Friday 18 February 2011

Mad World

We fucked the planet up and we’re hypocrite enough to think that we are going to save it. If we do decide to change one day, and “save” the planet it will only be for ourselves. We don’t give a shit about other species, lakes, forests, seas, blah, blah, blah... We just never want to die; we need to be immortal? Money stands for nothing; yet it defines the social position, the entertainment and the power (the fucking most important thing in this greedy ego trip of a world we live in) of a human being. To win money, you have to work for society, or the system. What if you don’t believe in the system? You’re in the way... (So we have to work for something we don’t believe in to stay alive).

Moral values are based upon religion. The sad fucking thing is: religion is the principal cause of many wars, a lot of discrimination and power abuse. To keep us jaded and focused on details we have the Medias. Anywhere we go there is a ton of media surrounding us. Publicity, pornography, movies, sitcoms, idiots, ect... Because they obviously don’t want you to think too much.

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