Wednesday 13 April 2011

TV Zombie

"Television is teaching all the time. It does more educating than all the schools and all the institutions of higher learning."
Medias does not only educate, but mold the minds of today. Television, movies, and news broadcastings are all designed to target different age groups therefore, educates us from the day we crawl from out of the womb to the day we walk in our grave. Television at a young age is suppose to entertain us, not only does it keep our little minds occupied; it also teaches right from wrong, manners, our abc’s, and sometimes even how to speak. It triggers our minds with colorful images and catchy, cheerful songs. By the time most children start school they’ll have known the basic knowledge for their age group. A more mature audience is educated with the news, commercials and documentaries; most of these teach us about world issues such as the latest news from Egypt, the local weather update and other stories that are taking the world by storm at the time. No matter where you are or what you do, television continues and will continue to educate, year after year.

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