Thursday 19 May 2011

There Is No Try - Yoda

Known for his legendary wisdom and mastery of the force; Yoda once said “No, try not – Do or do not; there is no try.” There really is no "trying" as Yoda has pointed out in this powerful quote. There is no "in between" which "trying" implies. One should not approach a task with the attitude that only an attempt will be made. Instead when approaching a task the mentality should be to either accomplish it or not. I truly believe that we can accomplish anything we set our minds too, it all depends on how much effort we want to put towards it. Doing so requires commitment and sacrifice; commitment is easy, sacrifice is hard. The more developed worlds of today both with governments and high populations have the responsibilities and opportunities to help the undeveloped nations. Those who have must help those who have not. I personally believe that we must help those in need, but in order to help those in need we must help ourselves first; we must fix our own problems before focusing on everybody elses; if not, that will lead our problems to grow and to grow, until we have an epidemic on our hands.
In today’s world there are many problems facing the welfare of humankind, which could affect our existence in the future. If these problems are not recognized, and the appropriate actions are not taken to slow down or put an end to them, then the consequences could be overwhelming. Most of these problems are not our top priority so we push them off and over to the side. We procrastinate; either our actions are out of neglect such as laziness; maybe even characterized as selfish. We make up excuses; you have something else more important to do right now. We deny the facts that ever action we make now could have huge impact later on.

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