Thursday 19 May 2011

There Is No Try - Yoda

Known for his legendary wisdom and mastery of the force; Yoda once said “No, try not – Do or do not; there is no try.” There really is no "trying" as Yoda has pointed out in this powerful quote. There is no "in between" which "trying" implies. One should not approach a task with the attitude that only an attempt will be made. Instead when approaching a task the mentality should be to either accomplish it or not. I truly believe that we can accomplish anything we set our minds too, it all depends on how much effort we want to put towards it. Doing so requires commitment and sacrifice; commitment is easy, sacrifice is hard. The more developed worlds of today both with governments and high populations have the responsibilities and opportunities to help the undeveloped nations. Those who have must help those who have not. I personally believe that we must help those in need, but in order to help those in need we must help ourselves first; we must fix our own problems before focusing on everybody elses; if not, that will lead our problems to grow and to grow, until we have an epidemic on our hands.
In today’s world there are many problems facing the welfare of humankind, which could affect our existence in the future. If these problems are not recognized, and the appropriate actions are not taken to slow down or put an end to them, then the consequences could be overwhelming. Most of these problems are not our top priority so we push them off and over to the side. We procrastinate; either our actions are out of neglect such as laziness; maybe even characterized as selfish. We make up excuses; you have something else more important to do right now. We deny the facts that ever action we make now could have huge impact later on.

Wednesday 13 April 2011

TV Zombie

"Television is teaching all the time. It does more educating than all the schools and all the institutions of higher learning."
Medias does not only educate, but mold the minds of today. Television, movies, and news broadcastings are all designed to target different age groups therefore, educates us from the day we crawl from out of the womb to the day we walk in our grave. Television at a young age is suppose to entertain us, not only does it keep our little minds occupied; it also teaches right from wrong, manners, our abc’s, and sometimes even how to speak. It triggers our minds with colorful images and catchy, cheerful songs. By the time most children start school they’ll have known the basic knowledge for their age group. A more mature audience is educated with the news, commercials and documentaries; most of these teach us about world issues such as the latest news from Egypt, the local weather update and other stories that are taking the world by storm at the time. No matter where you are or what you do, television continues and will continue to educate, year after year.

Tuesday 12 April 2011


Open your mind and explore the depths of your imagination. Art has no boundaries, no exceptions; it’s an expression of thoughts, feelings, of your soul. It’s a dream, an image of everything put together piece after piece; a puzzle, trying to get to the essence of a masterpiece. To signify and represent the present state of mind in whichever medium desired. Some is completely ridiculous while others are absolutely stunning, whatever the thoughts, the feels, the passion and desire of this person to be expressed with color, with sound; art.

Saturday 19 February 2011

Something Wonderful

“I have no fear of making changes, destroying the image, etc., because the painting has a life of its own.”   -Jackson Pollock
 Art to me is everything. My work is and emotional, and symbolic response to the figurative structures I find in real and imagined worlds. Art has no boundaries, it does not lie, it does not judge; it’s true. Art expresses everything I feel. I like the notion of x-ray vision, peeling away the layers to see inside; trying to get to the essence or heart of the creation. I want to be charged with the sound, with the energy I experience through nature and music to express myself through art.

To Become, Lost in the Wild

Two years he walks the earth.
No phone, no pool, no pets, no cigarettes. Ultimate freedom. An extremist. An aesthetic voyager whose home is the road. Escaped from Atlanta. Thou shalt not return, 'cause "the West is the best." And now after two rambling years comes the final and greatest adventure. The climactic battle to kill the false being within and victoriously conclude the spiritual pilgrimage. Ten days and nights of freight trains and hitchhiking bring him to the Great White North. No longer to be poisoned by civilization he flees, and walks alone upon the land to become lost in the wild.
— Alexander Supertramp 

Friday 18 February 2011

Black Hole Sun, Won't You Come?

I don’t know what to do with myself any more. You’re in and out of my life like a flash; give me a warning next time, catch my breath. I can’t handle, my heart can’t handle, disposal, this inconvenient lust. I want something real, I want something true; a meaning. For you leave me empty. Please stop, I’m dying; inside. Can't you see this hurts? Can't you see? This fragile soul; escaping, from you. This rage, this cry... I want out.
Everyone's so fucking blind.

Mad World

We fucked the planet up and we’re hypocrite enough to think that we are going to save it. If we do decide to change one day, and “save” the planet it will only be for ourselves. We don’t give a shit about other species, lakes, forests, seas, blah, blah, blah... We just never want to die; we need to be immortal? Money stands for nothing; yet it defines the social position, the entertainment and the power (the fucking most important thing in this greedy ego trip of a world we live in) of a human being. To win money, you have to work for society, or the system. What if you don’t believe in the system? You’re in the way... (So we have to work for something we don’t believe in to stay alive).

Moral values are based upon religion. The sad fucking thing is: religion is the principal cause of many wars, a lot of discrimination and power abuse. To keep us jaded and focused on details we have the Medias. Anywhere we go there is a ton of media surrounding us. Publicity, pornography, movies, sitcoms, idiots, ect... Because they obviously don’t want you to think too much.

Tearing my Seams

It hurts, oh how I want you so bad. I’m going insane....hiding behind these tear blinded eyes. For you take my heart, with every look. I’m crazy, I’m mad; you drive me this way. Maybe it’s an obsession, and addiction. Once things for sure, I want you, I want you, I want you. I’m craving strongly; just one touch. It’s too fast; not fast enough; silent love, silent desires running through my veins. I long that warm completing feeling. Inject me with your poison; whisper lies. Warmth runs deep, fierce flames, quench my thirst, I’m yours.

New Dark Love

Today I sit, into nirvana, drifting off into translucent space; not a care in the world. I’ve found my muse and its black, oh so very black. It’s so inspiring. The vibrations from the drums, heart pumping rythms; oh how it is love.

I want to run, I want to dance, I just want to bust out into anything. Maybe I’m crazy, maybe I’m strange, but I know one fucking things for sure, I’m in love, with the Black Keys.

Times They Are Changing

I’m just a psychotic girl fighting for air, escaping the long hard grip of society. I’ve been living under a rock for so long; I’ve thought long and hard and decided it was finally time to explore the world. I need a change of scenery. I was starting to get cabin fever in the small hell hole of a town. I want excitement. The gravitational pull the moon had upon me; I’m finally free. Free to lay beneith the willow tree. Look at the sky and just live.

New Beginning

So today I finally decided I wanted to be a writer, express my self though words, through voice, through every limb of my body.  So I wrote a poem.
She was solitary, content with her surroundings.
Fascinated in nirvana, gifted, but jaded within society.
She was on the wrong path; heading nowhere fast.
Running wild; like wolves, she was free
Unaware; she needed to fasten her seatbelt.
Overwhelmed; she was with change. She fall apart; one big mess.
Soon it was time to stray from pasts, to fade within society.
No longer inconsistent, a copy, a clone, a walking fiend,
Fading into the background.
Some black and white portrait; gathering dust
Of some “happy” family?
Some “happy” life?
Some “happy” ending?
A fairy tale.
A stranger to devotion; desires
Captivated by society?
Time has been told. Some happily every after,
Fading from black to white.